Oztime’s PDT1200M
The PDT1200 high-security PAS68 bollards are designed to control access to sensitive installations. Therefore protecting them from terrorist attacks or vehicle born attacks. The Oztime PDT1200M Manual Assistes Bollard is the only PAS68 rated vertical lift manual bollard in the world. Certification: Rising bollard impact to PAS68:2010 V/7500[N3]/80/90:7.1/0.0
Manual assisted-lift retractable bollards, incorporate a self-contained pneumatic system rising the bollard into place. This pneumatic lift facilitates ease of deployment. It allows for a heavier, more secure bollard to be operated manually. With the turn of a key, manually assisted bollards easily rise from the ground and can be locked into place. Turn the key again, and with very little effort, the bollard cylinder retracts and locks flush to the ground surface. Appropriate for high and medium security installations where occasional vehicular traffic must be blocked or allowed access. The retractable assisted-lift security bollard will dependably operate in very harsh conditions with limited maintenance and can be operated occasionally to frequently.